Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Today Show

Our day started really early today. We got up at 5:00 and left the apartment at 6:05. The G train arrived just as we got there, later we changed to the C train that pulled up as we got off the G, rode one stop and the J train showed up as we got off the C! Perfect timing!! We got off about 3 blocks from Rockefeller Center and just as we walked up to the plaza area where they film the Today Show, it was just beginning. Once we showed the guard our bags, we were able to find our spot. We stood around quite awhile - they had several monitors we could watch and the sound is piped in too. At 7:30 Al Roker came out and talked to everyone and walked along shaking hands. He shook my hand too! Then he gave his weather report and went back inside. About 8:00, Matt, Ann and Al came out and did their thing and Ann walked around talking to everyone. She grabbed my hand to shake it and put her other hand on my arm too and talked to me! She was so nice to everyone out there and is so cute! We stuck around for awhile, saw Star Jones inside, along with Eddie Murphy and Vince Gill. By then we were tired of standing so headed off on our day's adventure.

It was still dark when we arrived. There weren't a lot of people there like in the summer. You can see one of the monitors in the picture. There were 3 out there, I think, and 4 on the building. It was quite an experience!

Ann is just as cute and sweet as she seems to be on TV.

And here's Al.

The first stop was a little over a mile away but it was a nice day for a walk even though it was cloudy. We walked through the area that used to be called Hell's Kitchen but is now called Clinton and down Restaurant Row. Our destination was H & H Bagel Shop. They are supposed to have the best bagels in NYC. It was an old, run down looking place with no place to sit. Attached to the shop is a huge garage that had those bagel carts parked. It is the factory that makes the bagels you buy off the street carts. We each got a bagel and found a place down by the river to eat it.

Then it was on to Herald Square and Macy's. I wanted to show Conrad the original wooden escalators in Macy's. I think he was impressed with them too. Plus, I knew there was a bathroom at the end of the escalators! Then we sat in Herald Square for a little bit to make our plan.

Herald Square

We hopped on the subway and were off to Mulberry Street for a late lunch in Little Italy. After lunch we walked as far as Chinatown (see, all streets lead to Chinatown) and turned around and headed back to the subway to go home.

Little Italy

Our day started so early but we did sleep better last night. The guy lit the boiler and we got heat! When it came on, there was steam coming out of the connection of the radiator so he had to come back and fix it. It was down to 62 degrees in here and a little chilly! We are trying to decide what to do with our last few days here. We leave Monday morning so we have 4 more days to play. We want to go back to Central Park this weekend to check out the trees. Fall is a little late here but we do see evidence that it's coming. Tomorrow is supposed to be a total washout so we'll have to find something to do inside. Friday is to be nice and possibility of rain or snow on Saturday. We walked 8.67 today for a total of 197.65 miles!

So, that's it for today. Tune in again tomorrow......

Conrad and Linda

1 comment:

  1. Hello Linda,

    I have always wanted to go to New York. It sounds like a great adventure. My sister Elizabeth wants to go to. Maybe she will take me someday. We will have to rent me one of those electric cart things you see on TV that old folks can get through Medicare. I hope you continue to enjoy your trip.
