Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum

Today was another cloudy, rainy-looking day so we decided it was another museum day. We seem to have the subway route down to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan. We had to walk several blocks once getting off the train to the museum. The subway doesn't run close to the Hudson.
Here it is!
We spent 4 hours there including a tour of the Growler Submarine. Aircraft carriers are my favorite kind of military transportation. We toured the Midway in San Diego several years ago and it was more interesting but this one was also good. I even crawled inside the Mercury capsule! It probably wasn't pretty to watch me getting in and out of it!!

We stopped at a diner along 42nd Street for a late lunch. After eating, we walked over to Times Square and roamed around a little and walked past several of the theaters. It sure is less crowded than in the summer. Don't get me wrong, there were still lots of people there! On our way over there, my older brother called to check on us. He had just heard that a helicopter had gone down in the Hudson River. We aren't crazy enough to do something like that in the first place. We heard lots of sirens and lots of police around but that seemed normal to us. So, then it was back to the apartment for an early evening.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be sunny and nice so we're thinking about heading down to the southern tip of Manhattan to Battery Park......or perhaps Central Park.....maybe the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.......

Check back to see what we decided!

Conrad and Linda

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