Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snow Day!

The apartment finally warmed up during the night and we both woke up sometime in the night and started kicking off covers. We had layered stuff to sleep in and had to shed some of that. When we got up at 6:30 it was 84 degrees in here! We figured out we have to open the windows a little to even things out.

Today we headed to the Bronx to visit friends Eric and Denise and had a nice, restful day. We got to visit with them and then eat lunch. Home cooking tasted wonderful! I really miss real food. As we got off the train we noticed it was snowing a little and by the time we got to their apartment is was sticking to our clothes. The longer we were there, the more it snowed and we had some really big flakes.

This was taken out the window at Eric and Denise's apartment.

The snow was real wet and with the leaves still on the trees, it really made the trees bend. On our way back to the train, there were a lot of limbs down on the sidewalks and also on some cars. It was so pretty coming down and knowing I didn't have to drive in it made it all OK. I was hoping to see some snow while we were here. One thing we noticed is that when they predict snow here, you don't see the mad dash to the grocery store for milk, eggs and bread!

After a great visit with Eric and Denise and their almost 2 year old son Riley, Eric had an errand to run in our direction so he walked us back to the train station after a stop at the Bronx Ale House for beer and appetizers. It was a neat little place and the food and beer was great. A fire in the fireplace was a nice touch! Between their place and the train station, you had to walk down this HUGE hill. I had my tennis shoes and they are not the best thing for walking in snow/slush. By the time we finally got home, my feet were soaked and my jeans were wet several inches up the leg and we were cold. I told Conrad on the way back that I'd seen the snow and it can go away now.

The train in The Bronx is above ground.
This is what the track looked like when we headed back.

This is what it looked like in Brooklyn when we came up out of the subway.

It didn't look like Brooklyn got as much snow as they did in the Bronx. They had about 3". We're further south and fairly close to the ocean. I don't have much else to share with you today - just snow pictures. Snow in October just seems strange to me but I do remember a couple times when I was a youngster in Iowa and we went trick or treating in the snow.

Now it's time to get ready to think about heading back to Arkansas. Tomorrow is to be cold but bright and sunny. We plan to head back in to Manhattan, check out Central Park, check on the protesters and say goodbye to the big buildings. It should be a great picture day.

Because of our visit, we only walked 4.33 miles and most of that was in the snow! So check back tomorrow to see how we spent our last day as New Yorkers!

Conrad and Linda

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