Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beach and Flower Day!

Another beautiful day for us. We heard it was cold and rainy in Little Rock today. It was sunny and in the low 60s here. We had a sort of rough start to our day because we got on the wrong train and went a couple stops before realizing what we did. That's OK.....just backtrack. Finally got going in the right direction and then had to change trains 2 or 3 times because they were working on the tracks. Finally made it to Coney Island!

Our first stop was at Nathan's Famous Hotdogs. You really pay for the name because it cost us $17 for 2 hot dogs, 1 order fries and 2 drinks!

Nathan's Famous Hotdogs

It isn't a "dine-in" place so we took it with us to sit on the boardwalk and look at the ocean. Surprisingly, the hot dogs were really good!

This was probably the dirtiest beach we've ever seen. Lots of trash on the sand, broken glass, etc. The boardwalk was really nice though.

The picture above and left is along the boardwalk. The one below it is the ferris wheel at Coney Island. I've never seen one like this. Those cars on the outside edges stayed in one place but the rest of them followed along a track zig-zagging down. I even got it on video so I can watch it. It might have been fun to ride but we moved right along after watching it for quite awhile!

There was a lot of sand on the edge of the boardwalk and in some places it was even with the walkway. We assume that was from the big hurricane that went through here. We walked a couple miles on the boardwalk then caught a different train and headed for Little Italy.

While looking at our route on the train, we saw that it went right by the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and it was a nice day so, why not? Jumped off at the last minute and when we got to the gate, today was free admission! A little bonus for us!!

It wasn't the best garden we've visited but it was nice. So many flowers weren't blooming at this time of year but we did see some nice stuff there. It was such a pretty day to be out and about anyway. We spent the rest of the day here.

In the Japanese Garden

The Cactus Garden


We got back about 5:00 today and ate leftover Chinese from last night. We plan to go to bed early tonight and maybe can catch up on our sleep and rest our legs and feet! Today we walked 7.92 miles for a grand total of 132.73 miles! It sure adds up fast.

Time to plan for tomorrow. It's supposed to start raining tonight and rain all day tomorrow so we'll have to find an inside something - maybe a museum.

Until later....
Conrad and Linda

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