Monday, October 17, 2011

Skyscraper Self-Guided Walk

It was awfully hard to wake up again this morning. We just feel like we get up, walk, walk, walk, come home, load pictures on computer, write blog, go to bed and start over the next day. Oh, that's what we ARE doing, but loving every minute of it!

Today we decided to follow one of the self-guided walking tours of skyscrapers. We started out at Columbus Circle. Since we were walking past the Plaza Hotel we had to go in and look around again. Took a few pictures then headed to FAO Schwartz.

Here I am, relaxing in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel

Between those two places is one of the Apple stores and people were lined up in several lines. I bet there were at least 150 people. I don't know if it's always like that or if something new came out. I don't keep up with that kind of stuff. Anyway, FAO Schwartz was better than I thought! Of course, I couldn't leave there without picking up something for Macey. (Boy, I miss her soooooo much!!)

Then we picked up the tour. I don't know which building is my favorite but have always liked the old GE Building.

It was hard to get a picture of the GE Building since we were so close and it is so tall!

We don't know what this building is but we both liked it and it made such a pretty picture. We also spotted the Fuller Building, IBM Building, Sony Building, Central Synagogue, Citicorp Center, St Patrick's Cathedral, Seagram Building, Waldorf-Astoria, the Helmsley Building and the MetLife Building. The MetLife Building is built above Grand Central Terminal so we stopped in there again and had a late lunch. We walked in to St Patrick's but a service was going on so we just stood in the back and looked. We've been in it several times before.

From there we headed uptown on the subway to 86th Street and walked several blocks over to Carl Schurz Park along the East River. Gracie Mansion, the mayor's house, is also there. We don't think he lives there though. We think it's mostly used for official occasions. It wasn't much but the park was the high point there. There is a big promenade with benches along the river and playgrounds, grassy areas and areas for small dogs and areas for big dogs. It wasn't so noisy here and not the crowd of people you see everywhere else.

Conrad on the Promenade - This is the East River

We decided to walk the whole thing but didn't get to go as far as we wanted because of construction. So we headed back to the subway which was several long blocks away. We spent more time in midtown just looking around and finally headed home about dark. We did get a great shot of the Empire State Building that I want to share.

The lighting was really good for this picture.

We were later than usual coming back today and hit the real rush hour! The trains were absolutely packed, worse than we've seen. I was lucky enough to get a seat after a couple stops but it took Conrad longer to get one. We're getting pretty good at holding on to that pole. We stopped at a little place near us and got some Chinese food and brought back home to eat. Now, it's bedtime so we can get up and do it all over again tomorrow! We think we're going to Coney Island tomorrow.

We walked exactly 10 miles today! It's unusually quiet in the neighborhood tonight so better take advantage of the quiet.

Linda and Conrad

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