Friday, October 14, 2011

A Day at the American Museum of Natural History

It was a noisy night last night at our place. I've told you about the bar behind us and they had some loud music going until after bedtime. There is also a dog somewhere behind us that barks a lot, especially when the guy back there is working on his noisy motorcycle. All that goes on behind us which is the living room side of the apartment. The bedroom is on the street side and cars fly down the street. Add that we are right on the flight path for JFK and LaGuardia. Well, I guess because of the stormy weather around here, the planes flew low right over our place. They just kept coming and coming so I reached for my phone and found the timer on it and timed about every minute and a half! That went on until just after midnight. Then we had some LOUD thunder during the night. I wasn't real excited about getting up this morning! So, on with our day!

This will probably be a short post since I don't know what I can share with you about the American Museum of Natural Science except it is amazing! The worst part (and so frustrating) is finding your way around. The map they give you is hard to read because there are so many dead-ends in the building. We have already spent one day here so today we were going to finish up what we didn't get to last time. You could spend weeks there to see it all so you kind of have to look and move on! Today we saw the North American Mammals, Ocean Life, the Frogs exhibit, African Mammals, Birds of the World, Hall of Asian Peoples, Mexico and Central America, South American Peoples, Reptiles and Amphibians, Primates, Eastern Woodlands Indians, Plains Indians, Hall of Pacific Peoples and the Dinosaurs. We still had some time before they closed so we went back to the Geology section. Conrad loves the rocks and I watched the videos on volcanos and the one on the Grand Canyon again.

The guide book says there are 45 exhibition halls. The building has been added on to so many times. The original building was built in the late 1800s. I suggest you google it if you want to know more about what is there. My legs and feet are really aching tonight. We only walked 6.73 miles today but so much time was spent standing around. We did leave about 1:00 for a quick lunch across the street at Uno, a Chicago pizza place. We had the lunch special of soup and a half grilled chicken wrap. It was really good.

Caught the subway back to Columbus Circle to stop by Whole Foods to get some more stuff for dinner. We've been having salad with some grilled chicken and bread at night. We don't have a real oven here - just a gas cooktop. We do have a microwave though.

So, I'll leave you with a few pictures from today. It is to cool off tonight and be nice this weekend. The last two days have been cloudy and rainy.

These frogs were real small and so colorful. I loved this exhibit!

Here I am in the African Mammals Exhibit. I'm going to feel naked when I get home and don't have a backpack to carry around all the time!

The dioramas were so life-like.

And there are the famous dinosaur exhibits that everyone loves!

Hope you enjoyed our day too! Tomorrow we are meeting some friends of Brent's at Central Park. The leaves are starting to change here so we're hoping to see some color!

Conrad and Linda

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