Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Rainy Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Since today was going to be rainy all day we needed to find something to do inside. So we decided on the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Well, it's not exactly easy to get there from here - just take the G train to the A train to the Shuttle to the 4 train. We accomplished all that like real New Yorkers! We even were able to successfully do it backwards!!

Not thinking, I took the backpack and when we got to the museum they said I had to wear it on my front or at my side. So, I strapped it on the front and off we went. We visited the Egyptian exhibit first and I think it we both liked it the best. They had so much stuff and lots of coffins, mummies, and carvings. The hieroglyphics were amazing. I can't believe they've lasted all these years.

Amazing how clear these are!

The American Living stuff was great too. They had lots of furniture from years ago and it was so ornate. Of course, Conrad was interested in the carving of them. This was one of his favorites.

The carving on this was so intricate.

We also saw the guns, swords, armor, lots of marble busts (most seemed to have had their noses knocked off) and pottery of all types. I was disappointed with the photos and drawings they had on exhibit. We both like the Dutch masters. The faces in their paintings look so real. On the one we really liked, the gray eyes looked real!

This is the one we liked so well but a picture doesn't make it look the same.

Having two musical sons, the old musical instruments were interesting. Some things were really off the wall. It makes you wonder how they ever thought up all that stuff!

Some old saxophones

The old trumpets

In the Roman exhibits I really liked this stone (maybe marble) coffin but Conrad informed me that it's called a sarcophagus. The carving was amazing!

We spent the whole day here and we can say we've been there. I know my art teacher friends (sorry Janet and Becky) would be disappointed that we didn't think it was the coolest place ever! I think Conrad probably got more out of it than I did since he has read so much about so many of the things they had there. My reading isn't quite as informative as his!! But it was a great trip. It was just so crowded. When we got tired of walking the seats were all taken so we just had to keep going and the lines to the bathroom were like a Razorback game! Of all the places we've been, even on the sidewalks, we've never felt that crowded.

We only walked 6.44 miles today but we did it the hard way! Standing or moving slow is a lot harder than being on the go. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so I think we're going to ride the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island and back. It's one of the FREE things here. We're also planning to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I can't wait to go back to Ellis Island. I'm really interested in all those people who came to America to start a new life and their stories of coming through Ellis Island. My mom's parents and two of her older brothers and one of her sisters came through here. Anyway, that's what we're planning to do but by the time we head out in the morning, that could change too. We've made a list of the things we still want to do and are slowly checking them off our list.

Hope you enjoyed the museum. Tune in tomorrow....

Conrad and Linda

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