Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brooklyn Museum of Art

Another rainy day so another museum. This time we stayed in Brooklyn. Again, it was a challenge to get there so we ended up taking the subway to Manhattan, getting off at the first station there then getting on another train to go back to Brooklyn. Luckily, the station is right on the grounds of the museum so we didn't get wet. This place really impressed me and we both enjoyed it so much. There wasn't much of a crowd and there was a lot of room to move around. We started with the African Art. I've never paid much attention to it but I know Conrad has watched tv programs about it and read about it in the Smithsonian magazine and National Geographic. The masks they had on display were amazing! They looked so heavy I don't know how anyone could wear them.

This mask is rom the early 20th century. It combines many diverse materials to create an image of power. Multiple eyes,warthog tusks, large teeth and other power symbols such as rifle casings and a beard of authentic and wooden leopard's teeth form a fierce countenance that frightens away negative forces.

This didn't show up very good since it was behind glass but it is a textile fragment from the 16th - 17th century Iran of brocaded silk.

I think my favorite part of the museum was the Egyptian section with the mummies and the big blocks of stone with writings on them. Conrad said they're called stellae. They were in such good condition and some of the writings hardly looked worn.

This was carved in alabaster and from the Neo-Assyrian Period, reign of Ashur-nasir-pal II
(circa 883 - 859 B.C.)

This was about 2/3 of the way down on the same piece above. The writing is so clear but we have no idea what it says.

This is the mummy of Thothirdes - Late Period, Dynasty 26
(Circa 664 - 525 B.C.E.)

This is the Tiffany Glass - the one on the left is "Dawn in the Woods in Springtime"
The one on the right is "Sunset in Autumn Woods"

There are so many other things I could share but you may get bored! It was just a really great day. We spent 6 hours there and did a lot of standing so we didn't do that much walking.

Our total today was only 4 miles for a total of 201.65!! We passed the 200 mile mark and still have 3 more days. Tomorrow and Sunday are supposed to be nice but cold and Saturday they predict rain/snow mix. I wouldn't mind seeing some snow while we're here but if it's raining, it will melt the snow.

Time to make plans for tomorrow so check back tomorrow to see what we decided to do!

Conrad and Linda

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog to see what adventure you've had each day! What a great way to see a city!
