Friday, September 30, 2011

Almost Time!

It's going to be hard to leave this precious, little girl behind for a month. We've loved having her (and her parents) in our house for the past 3 months. I can't believe it's been that long.

I think we're packed but I'm sure a few more things will be thrown in at the last minute! Boarding passes are printed and am just trying to clean things up around here. Do you realize how many cords are required for a trip? We have 2 cameras plus the video camera, 2 cell phones and the laptop. Each has at least one cord and I need the USB cord for some things!

I want to go by Jason and Jenny's new house this afternoon and see what they've done in the last few days. It is really close to being done and they'll be moving before we get home. Next time you hear from us we'll be settled in our apartment!!

Let the adventure begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two more days and we'll be on our way. Trying to get the house in order, wash clothes and start laying out stuff to pack tomorrow. We kept Macey home from daycare today so we can spend some quality time with her. Man, we will miss her so much. I think the longest we've been away from her is one week since she was born! I'm also trying to learn how to work this so we can let you know what we're up to! We are so looking forward to this big adventure!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Trip

Conrad and I will be leaving Saturday, October 1, for a month-long adventure in New York City. We rented an apartment in Brooklyn through It is an old brownstone, built in 1898. We will each buy a 30-day subway pass and get around by subway or bus. We don't have a set itinerary yet but do have a long list of what we want to do. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will include a lot of walking!
Check back during the month of October and see what we've been up to! We'll try not to look or act like tourists but I'm sure the cameras will be a dead giveaway!